Psalms 23:1 (NKJV) The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.
For the next week, I want us to look at Psalm 23. This Psalm has been spoken at many funerals and events. It is what we would call a “Classic Psalm.” Many people that are saved, and many that are not saved, know this Psalm. But the question is, do we know it in our hearts?
Let us begin with verse 1. “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.” Think about that. Our great King and Lord is a shepherd to us. A shepherd takes care of His sheep. One thing that I know about Jesus is that He takes care of us. He leads us and guides us in our course of life.
Jesus tells us in John 10:11, “The Good Shepherd gives His life for the sheep.” He said that the Good Shepherd goes out, no matter what the condition is, and looks for the one sheep that is lost. He said that He will lead us, guide us, and provide for us in our lives.
Think of all the food that our shepherd has made for us, and the variety. He could have given us bread and water and said that is enough, but not our Jesus. He made so much that it is just amazing! Have you ever watched the food network and been blown away with all the different foods of our world?
He could have made the earth like mars: barren and empty. Again, Jesus did not do that. He made a world so full of life and treasures that it amazes the mind! Have you ever watched “Planet Earth,” and sat there with your mouth open at the beauty and wonder of all of His creation?
I could go on and on, but today, let us remember that the Lord is our shepherd. We shall not want, because He takes such good care of all of our needs. He is the God of the overflow, the God of wonder and might, and, most of all, He is our GOOD SHEPHERD!
Confession: The Lord Jesus is my Good Shepherd. He always looks out for every need that I have, and meets those needs for me. My Good Shepherd loves me, and always has my best in mind.