Tuesday, October 15, 2024


1 John 3:13 (NKJV) Do not marvel, my brethren, if the world hates you.

Here we have a short verse, yet it says so much.  We are living in a time when this world is not going for godliness and righteousness, but for darkness and sin.  But the Scripture says that we are the light of the world, and to let our light shine before men that they may see our good works and glorify our Father in heaven.

Remember that where sin abounds, grace abounds much more!  If we are to be light and salt, then we need to be the brightest light we can be, and the saltiest salt that we can be.  I heard one person say it like this: “Be so salty for Jesus that people will thirst for Him.”  That is what we need to do with light also.  As people see the Lord shining brightly, they will come to Him.

The wise men saw a light in the night.  It was a star shining brighter than any other light, and they followed that star.  So it is with us.  If we love God and want to do the works of Jesus, people will take notice, and when things happen in their lives and they need prayer, guess where they are going to go?  To a bright light: you!

The world wants to live in darkness, and one day when that trumpet sounds, and we are with the Lord, it is going to get pretty dark down here.  Until that day, we are going to shine for Jesus, and the world might hate us for it, but Jesus will say, “Look!  There is one of my brethren standing up for me.  Let us put more light on him!”

Confession:  I am making a decision to let my light shine brighter and brighter each day.  The closer I get to Him, the brighter I will become.  I want people to have a bright path to our Lord, so I am going to do my part and shine brightly.

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