Psalms 23:5 (NKJV) You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; my cup runs over.
What an amazing verse of scripture! Let us look at each part. "You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies." When the enemy comes and attacks us, our Great Shepherd is there to protect us. Here it is almost like He is saying, “Do not worry or fret about anything. Come here, have a seat and enjoy a big meal. I will take care of it for you.”
Can you picture it? Here our enemy is, all kinds of mad, and we are sitting and enjoying an amazing meal with friends and with the Great King. Man, it does not get much better, does it? And when He prepares the table for us, can you just imagine what is going to be on it? I can tell you this: It will be the best of the best!
The next part says that He will anoint our heads with oil. Oil was used in the Bible to anoint kings, and it was also used as medicine. The Great King has anointed us as kings, under His rulership, to rule and to reign in this life. When people see us, they see a marked people, because our heads and hair are shining with His oil of anointing upon us. And even when we are sick, there is healing in the Name of Jesus.
And now, look at the way He ends this verse, “my cup runs over." It is not just a little to drink, but a full and overflowing cup. This is a cup that never runs dry; a cup that is more than enough. Have you ever done that, when you are so thirsty, and you start drinking and you drink to the point you cannot drink anymore? That is our Great Shepherd! He not only gives us a drink, but He gives us so much that it overflows!